Human Experience Human Spaces The Osaka Experience

Studio Purini Thermes – Rome : From sign to shape

We couldn’t leave Rome without going through Purini-Thermes studio and bringing them the Osaka Pavilion in VR.
Accademia di San Luca and MAXXI keep the archive of Sacripanti’s drawings (you can find the respective articles about our stops on the tour here and here), but Franco Purini preserves the historical memory of this great architect.

Purini began to work as a student in Sacripanti’s studio in Piazza del Popolo (Roma) and he had the good fortune to see up close the genesis of Sacripanti’s most iconic projects (you can find the interview with his memory of those years in this article). 

In particular, for the original project of the International Expo pavilion in Osaka, he made the sketch that is still an icon of this never realized architecture. 

For one afternoon, the same architecture came to life in the eyes of those who had designed it.

It was exciting to transport the professors Thermes and Purini into a scenario that they only knew from the competition drawings and, before that, from the words of Maurizio Sacripanti. 

Franco Purini inside Osaka ’70 – Purini-Thermes studio, Roma, May 2021

During the virtual visit, stories and never seen aspects of the pavilion emerged. 

We don’t presuppose anything. We wait for the Professor himself to show us what he was able to wisely see beyond the visible.

If you want to know more about what we do or to visit the pavilion write us at:

Something about Purini:
T.E.A.M. Article: The Osaka Experience V: Interview with Franco Purini – Italian version
Interview: Fondo Sacripanti | Testimonianze | Franco Purini
Lesson: Il cosmo dell’architettura